We Can Make California A Place Where Families Can Afford To Live.

  • We can suspend the gas tax and provide immediate relief to drivers, while using the state’s huge surplus to ensure our roads are maintained.
  • Let's appoint members of the Public Utilities Commission whose top priority is affordable energy.
  • We can promote new housing so families can afford their piece of the California dream.


Keep Our Communities Safe And Holding Criminals Accountable.

  • We can appoint a Parole Board that will not allow for the early release of violent and repeat offenders.
  • We can fully fund the Armed and Prohibited Persons System to take guns out of the hands of felons.
  • We can fully fund law enforcement.


It's Time To Declare Homelessness A Public Health Crisis.

  • We have a housing crisis, which hits the poorest Californians hardest. Streamline housing production and we’ll ease the pressure.
  • Drug addiction drives many people to the street and keeps them there. We must treat the drug crisis with urgency, hammering suppliers while helping addicts into recovery.
  • The state’s misguided “housing first” policy stops funding for sober-living homes that help people transition out of addiction. We need to get back to supporting proven models.
  • Many of the chronically homeless suffer severe mental illness but decline treatment. We can’t just lock people up because they’re sick, but California needs better tools to steer those who need into psychiatric care. There’s nothing compassionate about letting people spiral into crisis while living on the street.


It's Past Time To Implement A Comprehensive Water Plan To Combat California’s Water Crisis In The Midst Of Climate Change.

  • We can get the new water storage that voters were promised almost a decade ago moving forward, including Sites Reservoir.
  • Let's appoint Coastal Commissioners who recognize the need for desalination.
  • Sacramento should fast-track vegetation management to ensure wildfires do not destroy critical watersheds and pollute our reservoirs.


California Students Need Access To A Quality Education In A Healthy And Safe Environment.

  • Let's promote school choice so parents have options to find the best education that fits their children’s needs.
  • We can support and fund more comprehensive career education so students can graduate on a path to a good job, even if college is not for them.
  • Together we will fight for more transparent curriculum so parents know what is happening in school.


Let's Commit To Using Californian Resources To Become More Energy Independent.

  • There are 1200 oil well permits waiting to be processed through CalGen. These operations have to wait years before even being reviewed. Why not require all permits to be processed within three months of being submitted.
  • California’s electrical grid is unable to meet today’s energy demands throughout the state, let alone charge millions of new electric cars. Without substantial investments, California will never be able to meet its renewable energy goals. Let's work across the aisle to build electricity infrastructure so renewable energy can reach customers.


We Need A Plan To Aggressively Reduce Catastrophic Wildfire.

  • We must safeguard our communities, watersheds and forests through better vegetation management.
  • We can’t just throw money at the problem. We will use performance-based contracts for fuel reduction to ensure real results.
  • The state must support local Resource Conservation Districts and Fire Safe Councils that know their communities’ needs and how to get work done.
  • We must hold utilities accountable for their negligence.


Let's Commit To Streamlining Affordable Housing In California.

  • We must reform permitting to allow new homes without burying builders in endless bureaucracy.
  • The state needs to reform the way it finances affordable housing to create “one-stop shopping” for builders who want to help house needy Californians.
  • We need a hard new look at state mandates on new construction — such as sprinklers and solar panels — that drive up the cost of building.


We Can Commit To Fighting The Corruption And Dysfunction In California’s State Agencies.

  • Imagine if we replaced career bureaucrats with appointees who are solutions based and focused on serving the citizens.
  • Sacramento must audit state agencies and their procedures to cut waste and ensure they’re doing the work Californians actually need today.
  • It's time to overhaul failed agencies like the Employment Development Department, which lost billions of dollars to fraud even as it left countless unemployed Californians without help during the pandemic.


We Can Commit To Keeping Dangerous Drugs Off The Streets Of California.

  • We should rebuild the Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement in the Department of Justice so the state can support local law enforcement in cracking down on drug traffickers.
  • Fentanyl dealers are not engaging in “victimless crime.” They are poisoning our children and leaving a trail of death. We must treat fentanyl dealers like the killers they are.
  • The voters created a legal system for growing and selling cannabis, but illegal growing remains rampant. These growers are avoiding taxes, wrecking the environment, and destroying neighborhoods while the state largely turns a blind eye. If growers want to join the legitimate system, they should, but we will not tolerate lawlessness.
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